Music Mind Games Music Symbol Cards, Set 1
These cards are used throughout Music Mind Games in beginning to advanced games. They teacher students symbols, signs and useful terms. This familiarity helps students better interpret written music.
Cards arranged in order of difficulty, include:
- Whole note and Whole Rest
- Half Note and Half Rest
- Quarter Note and Quarter Rest
- Eighth Note and Eighth Rest
- Sixteenth Note and Sixteenth Rest
- Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Alto Clef, Tenor Clef
- Staff, Bar Line, Measure, Line, Space, Grand Staff, Ledger Line
- Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo
- Forte, Fortissimo
- Crescendo, Decrescendo
- Diminuendo
- Ritardando
- A Tempo
- Legato and Staccato
- 36 Cards 2.5 inches (7 Cm) tall and 2.5 inches (7 cm) wide
- Instructions for three games
- Dynamics
- Fine- Dynamics
- I See
Snake – Dynamics from Music Mind Games on Vimeo.