Two Octave Scales, Arpeggios and Double Stops for Viola - Mark Mutter
Two Octave Scales, Arpeggios and Double Stops - Mary Mutter Written for use by students who are beginning Etude or Minuet 1 in Suzuki Method Book 1. Exposes students to all of the same scales, arpeggios and double stops that in in many of the most popular three octave scale books.Mark is a registered Teacher Trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas. He received his Bachelor and Master of Violin Performance studying with Walter Schwede, Angel Reyes and Camilla Wicks. He is the Executive Director of Suzuki Royal Oak Institute of Music and oversees 12 teachers of over 150 students. He has been a clinician at workshops and institutes through the U.S. and has led the SRO Tour Group Camerata" to Disney World, England, Vienna/Prague, Italy, Greece, Canada, Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany Camerata made their Carnegie Hall debut in April 2010 as part of the Manhattan Concert productions "Debut" series. Mark and his wife, Susan, have three children--Maria, Paul and Elizabeth"